
General Smuts Principal accused of concealing Covid-19 cases

Mohapi : Yes I have asked the teachers to sign a declaration, this was done to protect one of the teachers who had initially approached me and requested I should not share their identity, as they were scared of being stigmatized”

VEREENIGING. – The Principal of general Smuts High School, Morena Mohapi has been accused of concealing Covid-19 cases at his School.

According to The Star, allegations are that principal Mohapi has not followed hygiene procedures and chose not to inform the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) that four teachers and a Grade 12 learner tested positive for the disease.

It was further reported that Staff payed by the School Governing Body (SGB) alleged that they were being threatened with no work, no pay.

Speaking to Vaal News, Mohapi said:  “My Institution, General Smuts School now has 4 teachers who have tested Positive for Covid-19 and a leaner who had tested positive previously has now recovered. Yes I have asked the teachers to sign a declaration, this was done to protect one of the teachers who had initially approached me and requested I should not share their identity, as they were scared of being stigmatized”

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) spokesperson Steve Mabona says, “Accordingly, we do not confirm individual schools but update on all affected schools only at the Provincial Briefing which is facilitated on Thursdays weekly.

The suspension of lessons at a school that have a Covid 19 case, is based on the risk assessment conducted by Department of Health (DoH) and  GDE officials during which they ascertain whether the school is in compliance with Department of Basic Education (DBE) or  DoH protocols for managing Covid-19 cases in schools.”

Mabona added that the DoH is responsible to contact, track and trace any close contacts and advise accordingly. ” Sanitization of the affected surfaces and areas is conducted and in some instance the school is closed for not more than 2 days for this process to completed depending the size/number of the areas which the person have accessed. The affected school is then reopened thereafter depending on the number of close contacts identified to render the school operational.”

Read the original article here:

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