
Cops arrested for drinking at a tavern during lockdown

Five members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) were arrested during the weekend following their alleged violation of National Disaster Management Regulations.

National police spokesperson Brig Vish Naidoo said the five members from the Namahadi police station in Phuthaditjhaba were allegedly drinking at the tavern on Saturday.

“While the greater majority of SAPS members have been hard at work to flatten the curve of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, there have been some members disregarding the regulations as well as committing some heinous crimes, thus bringing into disrepute both the SAPS as well as the good work its members are doing,” Naidoo said on Monday.

They initially escaped as members were about to pounce on them, but were arrested on Sunday when they reported for duty, Naidoo said.

“Pictures of the members being arrested went viral, a moment SAPS management is not proud of, but the arrests were a necessary course of action.”

The police officials will be charged with defeating the ends of justice and failing to enforce and adhere to the national disaster management regulations.

“The 44-year-old tavern owner was also arrested on the same day for violating the regulations on the prohibition of the sale of liquor. All liquor was seized and the tavern shut down. The police officials will be charged with defeating the ends of justice and failing to enforce and adhere to the National Disaster Management Regulations.”

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