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Man (33) shot and killed in crossfire with police

“In defense, police retaliated, and the suspect was shot and killed on the spot.”

EVATON. – A 33-year-old man was shot and killed during a crossfire with police in Smallfarms, Evaton on Wednesday night.

It is said that the at around 23:45, on Wednesday night, the Evaton police in conjunction other  police units dealing with and monitoring compliance of COVID – 19 were called to a certain stand in Smallfarms where a 33-year-old suspect, an ex-convict, was alleged to be in possession of an unlicensed revolver.

Police rushed to a scene and on arrival the suspect delayed to open the door for them when asked to. Police Spokesperson Captain Aubrey Moopeloa said that the suspect ultimately opened the door and started shooting at the police from a bedroom with an unlicensed revolver.

“In defense, police retaliated, and the suspect was shot and killed on the spot.”

Moopeloa said that police are investigating a case of unlawful possession of an unlicensed revolver and unlawful possession of six live ammunition.

“An Inquest case is also being investigated by the Independent Police Investigative Directive.”

Moopeloa thanked community members for the information received and said that the unlicensed firearms and ammunitions found on suspects are used in committing murders, car- hijackings, house and business robberies in the area.

This is a second case where a firearm and ammunition were found within a week in and around Evaton.

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