
ANC MP hijacked in Sebokeng over the weekend

Member of Parliament (MP), Judith Tshabalala was allegedly hijacked and taken hostage in Sebokeng, on Saturday.

News on social media spread on Sunday that ANC MP Tshabalala was hijacked and held hostage in Sebokeng in the Vaal.

ANC Gauteng spokesperson, Bones Modise said Tshabalala was found unharmed.

“We can confirm that she was hijacked, she has been found and she was not harmed.

“She is at home now, unfortunately her phone and personal belongings were taken when the car was taken,” Modise told News24.

Member of the National Assembly Judith Tshabalala was hijacked at the weekend in Sebokeng.

While details are still sketchy, Modise said the case has been opened with police.

“As soon as everything has been sorted we will then have a small report.”

The MP was reportedly driving a Range Rover Evoque when hijacked.

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