
Girlfriend arrested for Police Captain’s murder – THE FULL STORY

VEREENIGING.- Captain Ratlome Kabola (40) of the Vereeniging Police Station was discovered murdered in his home on Sunday morning.

His home is a stone’s throw from the station. is body was discovered by his nephew who went to visit him. On his arrival at Kabola’s home, he was
met by his uncle’s 39-year-old girlfriend.
She apparently told him that his uncle wasn’t home and was at a wedding function. But the nephew apparently got suspicious and entered the house.
It is said that he first spotted an area where it seemed that someone tried to clean up blood. He was shocked to discover his uncle’s bloody corpse in the bedroom.
It is believed that Kabola was stabbed to death on Friday. Police Spokesperson, Constable Motsapi, confirmed that a case of murder is being investigated. He said the stab wounds were visible on the body of the deceased. The girlfriend was arrested and has since appeared in the Vereeniging margistrates court where the case was postponed to 7 November for further investigations.
Kabola was recently promoted and was supposed to start a new job in Human Resources at the SAPS national office in Pretoria in November.

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