
Let’s talk about it – Don’t be afraid of failure

I have realised, through observation and social research that the one thing that causes people to fail is fear of failure. People want to achieve their dreams, but their fear prevents them from trying at all. I have been in the company of many young people who have brilliant minds and awesome ideas, but they all have one thing in common - they refuse to take the first step.

I have realised, through observation and social research that the one thing that causes people to fail is fear of failure.
People want to achieve their dreams, but their fear prevents them from trying at all. I have been in the company of many young people who have brilliant minds and awesome ideas, but they all have one thing in common – they refuse to take the first step.
I began to wonder why people do not follow their dreams and I have come to the conclusion that they doubt themselves and lack faith in what they do. We all fear the unknown, and even calculated risks are a no-no.
I believe no one will give you a chance in life unless you take chances – there is no such thing as luck!
You create your own luck by trying, and being consistent. Those who are most successful are not necessarily the most intelligent. What sets them apart is their heart and ambition. Their inability to say ‘no’ to challenges and their blind relentlessness catapults them into greatness.
There are barriers that one must cross to find out what you are made of. One’s comfort zone might be a huge buzz-kill if you desire success. Besides failure, another massive hurdle in our way is the fear of change. What if we suddenly have to adapt to the new world that comes with our new-found success?
We are sometimes so overawed by the challenges we must face in pursuit of success that our ambition collapses like a deflated jumping castle.
Needless to say, we are more excited about the results of our hard work and perseverance than about the hard work and perseverance in itself.
I do not know what to do or say to change how people think. I can only try and raise awareness because I believe this is where everything starts. We cannot change things that we are not aware of.
To everyone out there who has dreams or goals, all I will say is: just let go of yourself and just go for what you really want, believe in your potential and work hard – and do not doubt for one moment that you will get there.

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