
Jordan and Mahareng learners take Life Science serious

BOIPATONG. – Proconics Company which deals with science labs visited Jordan and Mahareng High Schools’ science labs to assist and educate leaners about the utility of the items recently. Elmarie Kon, Marketing Manager demonstrated to the leaners how to conduct themselves when in the science lab. The grade 10 and 11 learners received demonstrations about Life Science and were advised not to take materials belonging in …

BOIPATONG. – Proconics Company which deals with science labs visited Jordan and Mahareng High Schools’ science labs to assist and educate leaners about the utility of the items recently. Elmarie Kon, Marketing Manager demonstrated to the leaners how to conduct themselves when in the
science lab. The grade 10 and 11 learners received demonstrations about Life Science and were advised not to take materials belonging in the lab for private use. Hezekia Mapingire, educator in Electrical Engineering said that the government puts a lot of money into the learners’ development.

“The science demonstrated can also be practiced by learners at home.” He pleaded with the learners to do experiments in a safe environment.
Among the demonstrations was what was called a carbon snake, that is a mixture of sulphuric acid and a sugar that resulted with a thick black snake-like smoke comes out a bottle. The company donated a box full of manual kits to the school.
The Police and Prison Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) were part of the programme to identify the needy schools.

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