
Sebokeng Hospital celebrates Occupational Therapy week

SEBOKENG.- The Occupational Therapy Week that was recently hosted by Sebokeng Hospital entailed many lessons for the staff and patients. For every different day of the week members of the Occupational Therapy Department challenged staff and patients to live a day in the shoes of a differently abled person in order to understand the challenges they face in getting through daily. In …

SEBOKENG.- The Occupational Therapy Week that was recently hosted by Sebokeng Hospital entailed many lessons for the staff and patients. For every different day of the week members of the Occupational Therapy Department challenged staff and patients to live a day in the shoes of a
differently abled person in order to understand the challenges they face in getting through daily. In order to inform and educate, the participants were challenged to overcome the difficulties and try to get through their daily activities as a differently abled person would.
On the one day, participants were challenged to act as a wheelchair bound person while on the other, they had to try to read brail and get through the day as a blind person would. Corrisa Singh (Occupational Therapist), said that this was very important in order to educate the community about the
importance of being mindful around differently abled people and providing them with the support they need.
Nicole Sachs (Occupational Therapist) agreed, adding that sometimes, differently abled people were afraid to go out into the world as it is difficult to understand them.

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