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DA appalled at ANC Councillor’s sex video

"This behaviour is despicable," says Emfuleni Central Constituency Head, DA Councillor Dady Mollo

The Democratic Alliance (DA) says the party is appalled by an alleged sex video involving an ANC Ward Councillor in the Emfuleni Local Municipality, that is being widely circulated on social media. The Councilor’s identity is known to Ster but is withheld until the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) announces whether further official steps are going to be taken against him.

The video shows the Councillor engaging in sexual acts with a member of his ward committee.

“It is unacceptable for a public representative to behave in such a manner. The DA calls on the ANC to recall him with immediate effect as he is not fit to hold public office,” says DA Councillor Dady Mollo, Emfuleni Central Constituency Head.

“According to Clause 2a and b of the Municipal Systems Act, a Councillor must perform the functions of the office he serves in good faith, honesty and in a transparent manner. And furthermore a Councillor must at all times act in the best interest of the municipality to ensure it is not compromised. In this instance, the Councillor has compromised the integrity of the Emfuleni Municipality,” says Mollo.

According to Mollo, the Councillor involved in the sex video does not show any remorse but rather posted on Facebook (unedited) “…if there is anyone who thinks I owe them an explanation for video footage that was taken from my lost or stolen phone some time ago that is making rounds – involving myself and a female colleague – such a person o hambe wrong-o! If this was meant to dampen my spirit as both a person and a Councillor, Aowa!
I am still standing as tried and tested product of the ANCYL, neither one of us has or will commit suicide! In fact I expected this kind of noise when my other colleague was shot, run over with a car and brutally killed some two weeks ago! MaraCowards being cowards! They crucify motho a Nyobiwang, sorberly so! That is axacly why all our phones have passwords”.

Mollo says he finds this behaviour and the Councillor’s lack of remorse despicable.

Ster awaits comment from ELM and will publish the Council’s stance on the matter as soon as it is received.

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Retha Fitchat

Retha Fitchat is an experienced part time journalist for Vaalweekblad. WhatsApp: 083 246 0523

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