
Community stadium leased to soccer academy

Gaba further stated that the swimming pool inside the facility however remains closed as it has not been maintained for a long period due to budgetary constraints faced by the municipality in recent years.

VEREENIGING. – The Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) has confirmed the leasing out of the President Park Stadium in Vereeniging to RESA Football Academy.

This follows complaints from Vereeniging residents who were surprised by the fact that a fee was now being charged in order to make use of the sporting facilities at President Park. ELM’s Spokesperson Stanley Gaba stated that as per the leasing agreement, the maintence of the stadium lies soley in the hands of the soccer academy.

“It must be noted that prior to leasing this facility, which is located in Vereeniging, the municipality undertook to inform residents by placing advertisements in local media. This is done with all lease agreements of municipal facilities, mainly to inform residents.” Gaba said that due to maintance costs involved, an entrance fee is charged to the sporting facilities.

Gaba further stated that the swimming pool inside the facility however remains closed as it has not been maintained for a long period due to budgetary constraints faced by the municipality in recent years.

Gaba states that the lease agreement clearly stipulates that the community may not be denied access unreasonably.

“The lessee is required to submit tariffs to Council for approval and this is to ensure that the amount charged for usage is affordable to residents who wish to make use of the facility.

“However, Council programs are not subjected to these tariffs and therefore use is free of charge.”

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