
Such are our leaders!

I have never stopped wondering why the ruling party gave us this man to be our president. They did it after the rape case and they hounded the victim and her mother out of town.


Nkutšoeu Motsau (Chairperson of Azanla MVA), writes:

It is not raining anymore. It is now pouring. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since my last article. I stopped writing due to ill-health. I am back again. Yes, indeed, much has happened since my last article. What with the unending daily exposés of corruption, looting and scandals of gargantuan proportions we get from newspapers, radios, TV stations, the social media and now even from books!

I have never stopped wondering why the ruling party gave us this man to be our president. They did it after the rape case and they hounded the victim and her mother out of town. Remember, their house was burnt down. Thereafter, he went to give his friend’s daughter a child, out of wedlock. Yet the man has many wives.

Now they want to give us Cyril Ramaphosa as the next president. He promised he would bear his chest to Parliament about the allegations in the newspapers about his emails. Did he? No, he didn’t. When the accusations first came up, he lept to the courts in an effort to interdict the publication of his lewd emails. He failed. He never denied that the emails were his.The emails contained salacious video footings! Instead, he took action against those who got his emails by unlawful means. As a young man, Cyril Ramaphosa crisscrossed the country by means of hiking from place to place spreading the Word. He was a zealous Bible wielding street-corner preacher, preaching the gospel, evangelising. Who thought he could ever sink to such depths of debauchery? Yes, now the ruling party wants to give us this man as our president.

In the Vaal, the ruling party has had to suspend the Executive Mayor who is accused of serious sexual perversity. He is reported to have already appeared in a magistrate court in Vanderbijlpark Park regarding the matter. It is said he was sexually grooming a 14 year old girl, and he was exchanging nude photographs with her. Another young woman, Ntombi—I do not know if this is her true name—claims that she is also a victim of this man. She says he got her when she was 14 years old and she had a child by him when she was 16. That child is now 11 years old. Another 14 year old child who is related to this monster committed suicide. He is known for his drunken escapades at shebeens. It is said there are videos doing rounds in the social media depicting him in compromising situations. Such is the man who was our Executive Mayor. It leaves you wondering what kind of people were in his mayoral committee. What did they say or do when all this was happening? These very same people will surround the new Executive Mayor. What kind of person will the new Executives Mayor be?

I have never seen such hardened men of sin, no, never! Not in Sodom nor Gomorrah! Men who take to the pleasures of the flesh as the duck to water! We have our own Berlusconis!

15 ‎November ‎2017


* The writer of this column, Nkutšoeu Motsau, was born in Top Location in the Vaal Triangle in 1953. He grew up in Sharpeville. He is a tetraplegic as a result of a car accident in July 2005 in Sharpeville and now resides in Cape Town, but still feels a deep rooted connection with the Vaal. Nkutšoeu is Chairperson of Azanla MVA).

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Retha Fitchat

Retha Fitchat is an experienced part time journalist for Vaalweekblad. WhatsApp: 083 246 0523

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