
“Don’t confuse THEM with US!”

Statement by Wide Horizon Hospice in Vereeniging

Statement by Wide Horizon Hospice in Vereeniging
Gail Heasley, General Manager of Wide Horizon Hospice in Vereeniging, writes:
Wide Horizon Hospice would like to respond to a recent broadcast on Theta FM Radio in connection with the search for S Sefumba regarding alleged allegations on the funeral plans taken out many years ago with Busy Bee Funeral Parlour – calls into the Radio station stated that Mrs Sefumba runs a Hospice called Wide Horizon in Vanderbijlpark – we would like to state that Wide Horizon Hospice is situated in Vereeniging and is not associated in anyway with Busy Bee Funeral Association or Busy Bee Hospice in Vanderbijlpark and any alleged claims against Mrs Sefumba for defrauding them of their money paid into these funeral policies should be directed to the authorities dealing with the matter – Gail Heasley General Manager Wide Horizon Hospice

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