King David Primary School encourage learners to dig family values and history

Representatives of King David School announce the Grade 7 learners who won the My Family Story exhibition.

Learners of the King David Primary School were tasked with an important school project, which focused on the methodological findings of their family roots and was presented to a panel of judges and the entire school body.

Kiara Bergman of King David Linksfield is announced as one of the winners of the My Family Story exhibition.

The Grade 7 learners of the King David Sandton Primary School, King David Victory Park, King David Linksfield and King David Ariel Primary School were all excited to display their identity in the form of their family history. The project known as My Family Story exhibition, taught learners how to carefully conduct an online research by documenting and interviewing their families.

“The showcasing was attended by parents, grandparents, teachers, and community members who were all impressed with the depth of research and creativity on display. The event was judged by Ronli Dorfman, Anthony Rosmarin, Leeat Amari and Melissa Chipkin, renowned experts from the Israel Centre,” said the marketing manager of King David Victory Park Campus, Nirvana Rogers.

Twins of King David Sandton Primary School Caleb Levitan and Judah, who was not present for the showcasing of their work, were awarded as the winners of the project in their school.

Rogers said judges visited each school on different dates to announce the learners who exceeded the expectations. The selection of winners were based on their research skills, creativity and presentation skills.

Winners of My Family Story exhibition:

King David Ariel: Tyler Saltz and Ryan Hellmann
King David Sandton: Caleb and Judah Levitan
King David Linksfield: Kiara Bergman and Chiara Riback
King David Primary Victory Park: Phoenix Bernstein and Rael Fine

“We would like to congratulate our winners on their impressive achievements and we extend our gratitude to Ronli Dorfman for her invaluable contribution to the event.

Tyler Salitz of King David Ariel is announced as one of the winners for his school.

Rogers indicated that winners of the project will be competing in the second phase of the project soon.

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