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Rotary Morningside give back this World Rotary Day

MORNINGSIDE – The festivities included the donation of boxing gear, the unveiling of a fully equipped gym and the planting of a vegetable garden.

It was a day of fun and laughter as the Rotary Club of Morningside celebrated World Rotary Day with the youth at the Golden Harvest Rehabilitation Centre.

Joined by the Central Rand branch of the South African National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Abuses (Sanca) on February 23, the festivities included the donation of boxing gear, the unveiling of a fully equipped gym and the planting of a vegetable garden.

Rotarian Paul Runge, who arranged the day’s proceedings, invited professional boxers Ben Ncapayi and Renson Hobyani to demonstrate how to use the two new boxing bags and gloves donated by the club.

President Les Hudson and Sanca chairperson Arlene Lapan unveil the newly equipped gym. Photo: Supplied

While the sight of the two professional boxers did initially intimidate the youth, that fear did not last long, said Runge.

“Towards the end of the session, some were even throwing punches at their boxing mentors and the loud slaps as they landed were met with bursts of applause from an enthralled audience.”

Another key event for the day, with the help of community organisation Soul Seed Africa, saw rotary members clear the area at the back of the centre to plant a sizeable vegetable garden.
Soul Seed guided the volunteers on how to make straight beds to plant the seeds and place the fertiliser before planting a variety of vegetables.

Rotarian Paul Runge encourages the children to get active. Photo: Supplied

The main event for the day saw the unveiling of the brand new gym facility, by club president Les Hudson and Sanca chairperson Arlene Lapan, which was housed in a refurbished container at the centre.
The space was fitted with new gym equipment to supplement the equipment previously donated by the Rotary Club.

“Altogether, a great day and a great way to remember all that Rotary means to us and those we’re able to help,” said Runge.

Details: www.rotarymorningside.org.za




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