Health and safety prioritised at Bryanston Country Club

BRYANSTON – The club has continued to strictly maintain the measures it adopted in July last year when it reopened.

Bryanston Country Club (BCC) continues to prioritise the health and safety of its members.

In response to the second wave of Covid-19 and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s plea with the community to take more stringent precautions, the club has implemented a number of additional measures to ensure the health and safety of its golfers.

These measures include spraying all bunker rakes and flags with the World Health Organisation approved product Zoono, which reportedly provides 30 days of protection to surfaces against germs. This will allow golfers to rake the bunkers and tend to the pins.

From 23 January, the club also stopped providing towels in its change rooms, and members will once again be required to bring their own.

“Obviously, we still encourage all members to use personal hand sanitisers regularly, wear masks and social distance at all times so that we can protect each other,” the club said on social media.

The club has continued to strictly maintain the measures it adopted in July last year when it reopened. In the article, Golf returns to Bryanston Country Club [posted online on 27 January] general manager Paul Leishman noted the club’s adoption of a cashless system and a grab-and-go food option instead of sit-down meals.

Leishman personally played a role in working with the Club Management Association of Southern Africa and Golf RSA to convince government to open golf courses again.

He added that this time around, the second wave had impacted many of the BCC community in more ways than the first. “As such, we all need to do more to keep ourselves and each other safe. BCC takes the safety of all our staff and members very seriously and hope that we can minimise the pandemic’s impact in our community.”

Details: 011 706 1361.

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