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Watch: Cricket’s lockdown lessons from Sandton Sports club

Members of the South Africa Cricket Academy who train out of Sandton Sports Club, have received all the cricket coaching they need through online video lessons.

Members of the South Africa Cricket Academy who train out of Sandton Sports Club, have received all the cricket coaching they need through online video lessons.

The academy has two-hour online video meetings with players from Monday to Friday. The first hour involves theory, then there is a half-an-hour break and then a half-an-hour exercise. “We want to come out of the lockdown a better academy than we were before, and so these video lessons will take place even after the lockdown,” said caoch Amos Maungwa.

“We believe 75 per cent of cricket is mental and 25 per cent is physical. Many young players do not know much theory in cricket.”


And so the academy discusses important cricketing theory with players every day, including statistics, fielding positions, restrictions and procedure, laws of the game, partnerships, and strokeplay.

“There is a need for more knowledge of the game in many young players. Knowing things like statistics and how to play different strokes will enhance every player.” Maungwa believes the lockdown has presented the academy with an oppportunity in this regard. The coach added that some parents have been unable to pay fees for their children due to losing their income during the lockdown. The academy decided to keep these children on and provide lessons for free for at least three months, given the nature of the situation.

“I see things like this as a test to our humanity. We can work together. It humbles me that we can help in this way and I am very grateful for it.”

Details: South Africa Cricket Academy admin@sacricketacademy.co.za; 081 756 5896.

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