Personal trainer gets corporate professionals into the gym

SANDTON – A personal trainer is in the business of getting corporate professionals in Sandton into shape.


Jake Batat, who also lives in Sandton, is an athlete who has been involved in the fitness business for more than 20 years. He has been training businessmen and women at the Planet Fitness Platinum at the Radisson Blu for about six years.

He is passionately driven to create lean and toned bodies and achieving overall fitness which, he said, was so imperative in today’s times.

Batat also mentors other personal trainers in the business of fitness.

“I help them try to know more about their craft,” he explained.

“My mentorship course encourages qualified trainers to give more, enabling success in their careers and success for the people they train.”

With his course, Batat teaches qualified up-and-coming personal trainers about personal branding and how to enhance their people skills.

“This is something new that hasn’t been done before,” he said.

“We’ve advanced in personal training in South Africa and we’re up to date with methods of training. I teach them how to inspire, motivate and know the tricks of the trade,” he said.

Batat comes from a strong sporting background. “I come from a very sporty family,” he added.

“I try to make training enjoyable. It is about your core, losing fat and toning your body. You can have a strong mind but that means nothing if your body is not strong. If I can transform your life, I transform my life.”

He is also working on a biggest loser competition for corporate professionals which will raise money for charity.

“The healthiest man is the wealthiest man,” he said.


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