Young Buccleuch resident thanks healthcare workers

SUNNINGHILL – Ayaan is a high-risk patient and has to be especially careful during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ten-year-old Buccleuch resident Ayaan Bhoopal has struggled with health issues his entire life after being diagnosed with a complex heart and lung condition just six weeks after birth.

He has undergone five open-heart surgeries and is on 24-hour oxygen at home. Ayaan is a high-risk patient and has to be especially careful during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ayaan writes:

To all the healthcare heroes.

I am now a big boy. I am 10 years old and I know a lot about myself.

It’s all because of my hospital and the help they give me every time I get sick.

I am a heart patient and I have a lot of problems but my nurses and doctors help me to be fine.

I see pictures of myself in the hospital but don’t remember everyone, but I know that there were many people who helped to make me better.

Now that I am big I want to say thank you to ‘My Hospital’ Sunninghill.

I enjoy coming to the hospital because everyone is always kind to me and happy to see me and even visit me to say hello.

My nurses in Paeds are kind and I have a lot of fun playing tricks and jokes in the hospital.

I am allowed to wear my own clothes to the theatre and show the nurses and doctors where I want my drip. I even get a big bed with a remote from Sister Ite’.

My doctors are very special. Dr Pillay always helps us quickly and makes me better very fast.

Dr Soma makes my ears better and listens to all my stories.

Dr Naidoo is my chocolate doctor who always brings me a chocolate when I’m in hospital.

I keep asking Dr Mamathuba to take me off oxygen but I know I can’t right now.

Dr Ally is so much fun and her tablets help my pain.

My best is Dr Harrisberg. He always plays with me, allows me to be naughty and gives me permission to go to places.

Dr Kinsley still checks on how I am.

Everyone at hospital smiles and helps us.

Thank you doctors for helping everyone with Covid, even though you put me in ‘lockdown 10’.

You are the real superheroes like the ones I see in my games.

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