Letter from the editor: Keep your running shoes on

I wish for you, our readers, to be more conscious, ask more questions, challenge your leaders, educate yourself with the correct information.

Editor of the Sandton Chronicle, Ashtyn Mackenzie writes:

Welcome to 2021 readers.
I hope this holiday period brought you and your family some much-needed healing. We are going to need all the strength we can muster to get through this year.

I have never been a believer in the clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve and the world becoming a different place. What I do believe in is what you manifest for yourself. This turbulent period in history has taught me many lessons, the biggest one being; start now, don’t delay. In other words, I don’t wait for a particular time to hit the ground running.

I wish for you, our readers, to be more conscious, ask more questions, challenge your leaders, educate yourself with the correct information. Don’t blindly follow the masses but follow your own well-thought-out decisions.

According to Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University in the USA: ‘The truth is, decision-making is fraught with biases that cloud our judgment. People misremember bad experiences as good, and vice versa; they let their emotions turn a rational choice into an irrational one; and they use social cues, even subconsciously, to make choices they’d otherwise avoid.’

Our newsroom is ready as always to arm you with accurate information to help you make decisions. New challenges await you. I urge you to keep your proverbial running shoes on, and equip yourself with the ability to adapt to any given obstacle.

Take time to heal, and always remember to be kind.

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