
Ward councillors continue to hold the City to account

The residents of Bryanston have requested that ward councillors hold the City to account regarding power outages.

Ward 102 councillor David Potter writes:

The residents of Bryanston have requested that ward councillors hold the City to account regarding power outages.
This is what we are doing, day in and day out.
It may not always be visible, but it is happening. While we are not electricians or plumbers or can resurface roads, we can use various tools to affect some accountability over City leadership.
Councillors have updated residents in the media, have had engagements with City officials via virtual platforms and more recently, I submitted written questions in terms of Rule 100 (1) of the City of Johannesburg Council Standing Rules.

The Brynorth substation caught fire in December 2019 In response to my written question, the MMC of Environment and Infrastructure Mpho Moerane responded that:

‘The feeder board experienced a fault on incomer number three – this resulted in a third of the feeder board being damaged. The entire station must be upgraded and the feeder board must be replaced with vacuum-type circuit breakers. The implementation of the work is planned to commence in March next year.
‘The damage was estimated to be R4 million and the claim has not been paid out yet by the insurance department. It will only be processed during the implementation of the work on site.
‘The total cost for the station upgrade has been estimated to be R18 million.’

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