Speaking out heals

SANDTON – A Sandton Chronicle reader, who is a victim of rape, has decided to share her thoughts in the form of a letter addressed to the Sandton community.


A reader, who is a rape survivor and, given the sensitive nature of her ordeal, has chosen to remain anonymous writes:

As a victim of sexual assault and having had the courage to challenge my rapist in a court of law, I have found myself in a position where everything was turned around and I was called the perpetrator [by those around me].

We [the victims] have to live with the shame while the rapist shows their faces all over as being sad and traumatised.

When I was raped, I was only just entering into my teenage years. The fact that I spoke about it only twice in my life is completely beside the point. He [the rapist] told me no one would believe me – and no one did. He also told me he could get into trouble and my goodness, when you are so young, unless you are a psychopath, it’s inherently built into a person to not want to get people into trouble.

With speaking out, comes healing. With healing comes a fresh new outlook on life. With a fresh new outlook comes an abundance of possibilities and, with an abundance of possibilities, comes a happy, healthy and prosperous life. A life that is earned and well deserved.

For me, speaking out was the start of a very rocky road.

But I would not hesitate to do it again. I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve cried, I’ve laughed and I’ve even tried to kill myself.

However, I got through it all and now I laugh as often as possible. No matter how terrible I’m feeling I make a concerted effort to always flash a beaming smile at anyone I ever make eye contact with.

I walk up straight. I am fit and flourishing. I’ve been antidepressant free for almost five years and I climb into my bed every night and fall asleep. And it feels amazing. The world is so clear.

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