Cold feet, warm hearts

    Those who are acquainted with me know that I will always have a pair of warm socks and my sheepskin slippers on in winter – well, I can’t live without them. I am sure I am not the only person in Joburg who likes to keep my feet warm. But, what makes me …



Those who are acquainted with me know that I will always have a pair of warm socks and my sheepskin slippers on in winter – well, I can’t live without them.

I am sure I am not the only person in Joburg who likes to keep my feet warm. But, what makes me and others so fortunate, is that we are able to buy shoes, socks, slippers etc. There are so many people in our cold city who don’t have the resources to stay warm. Any money they have goes towards buying food, paying for transport to find work or to simply put a roof, if even that, over their heads.

Last year while covering the Spar Women’s Challenge, Caxton Joburg North staff noticed so many children from disadvantaged schools running without shoes. Inspired to make this year’s race a bit different, staff members have started a campaign to collect shoes, not only for children but for anyone who needs a pair.

The Drop off a pair and show you care campaign has started and we are urging Joburg residents to help Caxton Joburg North put shoes on feet.

If you are participating in the Spar Women’s Challenge you can donate your old shoes (please make sure they are in a good condition) when you collect your race numbers. If you are, like me, very unfit and not planning on running, you can still participate.

Caxton Joburg North has set up a donation box at our Craighall office. If even 10 percent of the people reading this column are driven to go through their cupboards and donate their old shoes (they do not have to be running shoes – any shoes will do), the impact on those who don’t have will be enormous.

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.
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