
Parents must take responsibility

Khumbulani McDivett writes:


PARENTS must take responsibility.

It is very strange that parents expect their kids to grow up and become responsible citizens yet they don’t play their part. Being a parent is no child’s play. It is hard work that comes with responsibility. Ever wondered why there’s waywardness among today’s youth? It is because of an ambivalent approach and we are to blame as parents.

How many of us help our children with their homework, know what is happening in their daily activities, attend school open days and sporting activities? All we are good at is buying them designer labels. Will they be able to provide for themselves when we are no more?

Kids will always be kids, very naughty and challenging with juvenile eloquence, they become a handful and difficult to deal with. They want to experiment with just about everything.

As parents, we behave like high school-going infants. We do all the wrong things right in front of our children, yet expect them to be obedient and well-mannered. We cuddle, kiss, use vulgar and strong language right in front of their eyes. My parents would lock themselves in their bedroom and resolve their differences and come out all smiles.

Why do we keep quiet when our kids bring stuff home that we know we never bought? That’s breeding future criminals. I would have been made to walk and take back my friend’s toys I had stolen.

Let’s be good role models, teach and instil discipline and life values in our children’s mindsets. Our children are like mirrors, they copy everything that we do.

We must be very careful in whatever we say and do in front of them. They need close assessment, evaluation and monitoring – not sometimes, but all the time. We need to set limits and boundaries for them and punish them when they break rules. I must admit disciplining a child is never a pleasant experience, but it must be done or else they go astray and become unruly.

But above all, show them our boundless, endless, unconditional love and give them our undivided support.

In Zulu there is a saying, sigoqwa sisemanzi, or nurture while still young.

Do you have thoughts to share? E-mail us on midrandreporter@caxton.co.za

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