It’s time for action from the authorities

Eunice Harris writes: I would like to point out that having driven up Rivonia Road over the weekend, I observed some disturbing circumstances.

On the corner of Kelvin and Rivonia rRoads there were two women with babies. At the next corner of Outspan and Rivonia roads, there were four women with babies. Also on the corner of Centre and Rivonia roads, there were two women with babies and two window washers, and on the corner of South and Rivonia roads, there were two beggars with bags collecting rubbish.

How cruel can these ladies be to keep these poor little children on their backs in the burning sun all day, even with umbrellas – which is much hotter because the umbrellas retain the heat? They have nowhere to play and is this the life that they should have?

They were not asked to be brought into this world and to be subjected to such disturbing circumstances. I am sure that the people begging all go to the same school to learn how to wave.

I cannot see where the beggars have been removed at all because they are there every day. Sitting on 21 years of democracy and the position has only got worse. It is about time that someone in authority handles the situation.

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