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Creativity sets the tone for the second semester

A fun activity for the local students based in Sandton, spending some time sharing their creative juices and how they best enjoy their time at IIE's Varsity College.

The IIE’s Varsity College Sandton hosted a social committee focus week to welcome students back onto campus for their second semester.

The campus student experience team and the social committee coordinated the event, which included the ‘My Varsity Memory Wall’, a social speed meet, and a game café.

According to public relations and events coordinator at the college Anto Kagisho, the social speed meet gave students the chance to meet and make new friends, and the game café, with an infusion of 30 Seconds games and some indigenous games for students, promoted teamwork and camaraderie in a fun way.

“This is in line with the brand encouraging students to get social and to give them a chance to learn a range of skills, including communication, emotional intelligence, and creative thinking, that are essential in life and the world of work.”

She highlighted that the students were then allowed to share their student experience by leaving their handprints on the canvas wall.

Graciebelle Makhane, a second-year IIE Bachelor of Social Sciences student, said she ‘really enjoyed the My Varsity Memory Wall, which gave students a chance to let their creative juices splash on a canvas cloth and leave motivational words for their peers or their handprint as an indelible celebration of their time on campus’.

Makhane added that reading some of her fellow students’ favourite memories and moments of each other and their tertiary journeys was a truly heartwarming experience for her.

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