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VOX POP: How do you feel about Women’s day?

Residents express how they feel about Women's Day Every year,

Every year, Women’s Day is celebrated on August 9.

The day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The Sandton Chronicle took to the streets to ask residents how they felt about Women’s Day.

Here is what they have to say…

Arnold Nkuna: Women should be celebrated the whole of August, not just for one day. Women carry loads of work, they are depressed, they cry in silence, and have to play pretend as if they are happy, in public spaces. August 9 makes me very emotional because I sympathise with women.
Arnold Nkuna: Women should be celebrated the whole of August, not just for one day. Women carry loads of work, they are depressed, they cry in silence, and have to play pretend as if they are happy, in public spaces. August 9 makes me very emotional because I sympathise with women.
Aluncedo Masopi: Women's Day is ay special day to me, we get to honour every woman. I feel like the world has not done much to appreciate women, there is still gender inequality. I feel women are still oppressed because there are those who experience abuse.
Aluncedo Masopi: Women’s Day is ay special day to me, we get to honour every woman. I feel like the world has not done much to appreciate women, there is still gender inequality. I feel women are still oppressed because there are those who experience abuse.
Inathi Madondile: I feel like Women's Day should not be a once-off thing. It should be celebrated every day to show appreciation to all women. We fight different battles every day and we are not being appreciated enough.
Inathi Madondile: I feel like Women’s Day should not be a once-off thing. It should be celebrated every day to show appreciation to all women. We fight different battles every day and we are not being appreciated enough.
Hlengiwe Dlomo: Women's Day brings mixed motions to me. We go through a lot as women in the name of 'Imbokodo'. We are not fully appreciated by men in this country. We give birth, work hard and build homes, but respect is not enough. Men should start appreciating us and see the value in us.
Hlengiwe Dlomo: Women’s Day brings mixed motions to me. We go through a lot as women in the name of ‘Imbokodo’. We are not fully appreciated by men in this country. We give birth, work hard and build homes, but respect is not enough. Men should start appreciating us and see the value in us.

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