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Simran Sahib determined to make a difference in the world

One of the most remarkable aspects of Miss Legacy SA is its commitment to diversity and inclusivity and the founder believes that beneath the superficial differences of skin colour, wealth, and accessibility, all individuals are the same.

In a world filled with challenges, it is inspiring to come across individuals like Simran Sahib, a 17-year-old game-changer and humanitarian who is determined to make a difference.

Passionate about the beauty industry and driven by her desire to create positive change, Morningside-based Simran is the founder of the Legacy Gala, an organization that combats period poverty and provides educational workshops and youth development for girls.

According to Simran, period poverty remains a pressing issue, affecting over 7 million girls in South Africa alone and shockingly, 30% of these girls do not attend school due to the lack of access to sanitary products.

“This unfortunate circumstance perpetuates the gender gap, especially in fields like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and has far-reaching consequences on future earning potential, intergenerational poverty, self-esteem, health outcomes, and even the risk of teen pregnancy.”

She emphasises that the lack of access to proper sanitation further exacerbates the problem, affecting not only the girls but also their teachers and classmates, including young boys who miss out on weeks of education when their female peers are absent.

She said she recognises the severity of this issue and has taken it upon herself to address it through her Miss Legacy SA platform.

Simran Sahib, a 17-year-old game-changer and humanitarian who is determined to make a difference.
Simran Sahib, a 17-year-old game-changer and humanitarian who is determined to make a difference.

“In this pageant, I aim to have a significant impact on thousands of girls and raise awareness about period poverty, I want to grow the Legacy Gala into a globalised African organisation that not only tackles period poverty but also addresses Gender-Based Violence and fosters inclusivity for men.”

She believes that by creating her pageant, Legacy Universe South Africa she can reach a broader audience and encourage more people to contribute to the fight against injustices like period poverty.

“The pageant serves as a platform for advocacy, allowing contestants to become ambassadors for change in their communities. It provides an opportunity for young women to boost their confidence, develop leadership skills, and celebrate the unity of a multicultural nation.”

She explained that the winner of Miss Legacy SA will have the honour of representing South Africa in Miss Legacy Universe, while the top finalists will gain free entry into Miss Teen South Africa.

“This recognition and exposure on the global stage offer personal growth and development for the participants and strengthen the fight against period poverty, one of the most remarkable aspects of this pageant is its commitment to diversity and inclusivity and the founder believes that beneath the superficial differences of skin colour, wealth, and accessibility, all individuals are the same.”

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