Bryanston Parkrun celebrates its 400th runs

Parkruns are a global initiative that organises free weekly timed 5km runs in local parks and open spaces.

The Bryanston Parkrun celebrated its 400th run on May 13, marking a remarkable milestone for this popular weekly, free, timed 5km run.

Runners, weekend plodders, and health-conscious families enjoyed a manageable course that offered a beautiful out-and-back trail course along the Braamfontein Spruit.

Bongs Msimang, Antonio Ambrosio, Thabo Ngwenya, and Ruddy Ciamala relax after the run.

As befitting the milestone occasion, some donned festive costumes for the run and enjoyed a special 400th-run cake at the finish line.

Since its first run in 2014, the event has seen 286 000 participants and over 38 000 unique runners.

The run director for the day, John Stobbs, thanked everyone who showed up and the volunteers who made this run possible.

Derek Hackmann, Thuso Kuali and Nqabisa Ndodana after the run.

He also congratulated Bev Marsden and Alice Brown, stalwarts of Bryanston Parkrun who have each volunteered at Bryanston Parkrun for the past eight years.

“Volunteers from all walks of life help organise and manage the Bryanston Parkrun, demonstrating the strength of community spirit that has enabled it to grow and thrive.”
Stobbs added that the Bryanston Parkrun is popular due to its stunning setting and community support.

Gugu Mnyanda and Nono Msimango ready for their run.

Avi Naidoo, the Bryanston Parkrun event director, said, “Parkrun is known for its welcoming vibe, with people of all shapes and sizes, age groups, and athletic abilities turning up. The goal is to encourage a healthy outlook in a safe and enjoyable environment.”

Naidoo emphasises that the course is flat and suitable for parkrun rookies or for those wishing to improve their fitness. It also allows the competitive runners to run ahead while allowing the considerate walkers to take their time on the route.

Riaan Barnard, the regular runner at the start, with volunteer Jacky Vernon.

“Bryanston Parkrun has received support from partners, City Parks, and Discovery Vitality to promote the event and stay active.”

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