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Bryanston Veterinary Hospital celebrates dog blood donation day

Donating blood is not just for humans, it is also for pets too.

Bryanston Veterinary Hospital celebrated dog blood donation day on May 10.

The purpose of donating dog blood is to help other pets in need of blood transfusion. According to Shawna Naidoo, a nurse at the hospital, pets require a life-saving blood transfusion to prevent cancer, blood clotting, and blood loss during surgery.

Bravely Kate donates blood for the dogs
Bravely Kate donates blood for the dogs in need of blood.

“Our hospital has blood on hand at all times to provide this life-saving therapy for our pets because the difference between life and death is just a minute”, said Naidoo.

According to Naidoo, the requirements for dogs donors are as follows:

  • Between two and seven years of age
  • Weigh more than 25 kg
  • Good temperature
  • Up-to-date vaccines
  • No history of having received a blood transfusion
Shawna Naidoo shows us the first step in the blood process
Shawna Naidoo shows us the first step in the blood process after a dog has been injected for donating blood.

Samkelo Mayinjane, who is also a nurse, thanked all the brave dog owners who allowed their dogs to donate blood for other pets in need of blood transfusion.

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