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Crusaders Football Club scores early against Godspeed Football Club

Crusaders FC is pushing to win the Rand Central Local Football Association.

With two players injured and an absent star player, Crusaders Football Club still managed to bag a victory.

On May 6, in a match between Crusaders and Godspeed FC from Craighall, Crusaders won 1–0.

Lukas Nyandoro gives a thumbs-up
Crusaders’ Lukas Nyandoro gives a thumbs-up before the game.

The game was held at Crusaders’ home ground, the Wayne Joubert Field, in Sandton.
According to Crusaders’ captain Thabiso Phakedi, their star player Lebo Thwala had an emergency to attend to. However, their centre back Sipho Monyai stepped into Thwala’s boots and scored a goal 20 minutes into the game.

Lefate Makunyane, Crusaders coach, pointed out the challenges they were facing amid the pressures of having to win.

Lebo Thwala shows his football skills
Crusaders’ Lebo Thwala shows his football skills during the game.

“Two players injured, centre back and a defender, and our centre back has an emergency, therefore I had to make changes,” said Makunyane. He added they were pushing to win the Rand Central Local Football Association League.

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