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Art is the journey that frees your soul

Art is not what you see but what you make others see.

Simone Russell (42) from Field Market at Parkmore says she always has had art in her, as she recalls that she always had a pencil or paintbrush in her hand.

She loves it so much that she’s turned canvas and paintbrushes into a side hustle.

“I have always had a keen interest in nature and storytelling. I draw inspiration from my love of bees and the way they interact with their surroundings. This is evident in my current artworks.”

Simone Russell draws her inspiration from bees.
Simone Russell draws her inspiration from bees.

She explains that bees are disappearing at an alarming rate and hopes that her work will tell their story and perhaps help save them.

“My work is simple in that it tends to focus on the subject rather than the environment around it. I adorn most of my pieces with gold leaf as a visual representation of the innate value that nature exhibits.”

Speaking about her small business journey, Russell says she has been exhibiting at The Field Market since October 2018.

She pointed out that she used to work as an in-house graphic designer for a corporate company while doing her art thing on the side and got retrenched, which pushed her to start her business.

“While I was still finding my feet and learning how to be a business owner, the pandemic started, which put a hold on everything.”

Russell adds that in 2020 she had to pivot and think of other ways to make rent; she started teaching visual arts online for a local home school and luckily had a few clients who commissioned her for artwork for their houses and had some design work as well.

“Even though we are back to normal, it is still tough being in this business, but I am making it work.” I still have a waiting list for commissions and custom pieces; I teach art both at the home school and privately; and I do the odd graphic design job here and there.”

Russell concludes by stating that she is grateful to her family, her boyfriend, and a few friends who have been supportive of her on her unconventional journey.

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