Law students of IIE Varsity College dine with professional practitioners

IIE Varsity College Sandton campus organises the law gala dinner for law students to network with experts.

With the year reaching its final chapter, IIE Varsity College Sandton campus organised a law gala evening for all of their law students on November 17.

The gathering had more than 120 students attending the dinner and included special moments where students had the opportunity to gain more knowledge of their journey through personal interaction with experts.

ALSO READ: IIE Varsity College equips students with knowledge for their future

The college invited 25 successful law practitioners to discuss the principles of law in a broader and personal scope.

“I am privileged to have attended the exceptional law gala evening. On the one hand, it was a phenomenal event that promoted networking with many legal practitioners, academics and alumni. On the other, it was the last gathering with my classmates whom I have known for the last four years. The countdown is on with two and a half weeks till the end,” said final-year law student Darshen Naidoo.

ALSO READ: IIE Varsity College Sandton hosts National High Schools Quiz

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