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Sandton SPCA holds owner to account after mutilating two puppies

The Sandton SPCA is determined to hold a dog owner to account after two Labradors were maimed in Buccleuch.

The Sandton SPCA has committed to holding a dog owner to account in court after mutilating two puppies in Buccleuch.

The two Labradors, named Holly and Donna, had their tails illegally cut off using a pair of scissors.

According to Sandton SPCA general manager Meg Wilson, the puppies were reportedly fully conscious during this illegal operation and the wounds were left untreated.

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“A concerned member of the public brought this crime to our attention and our inspectors removed and rushed [them] to a veterinarian for treatment.”

Wilson noted that tail maiming is an illegal act; even veterinarians are not allowed to amputate a dog’s tail unless it is for medical reasons.

It is a contravention in terms of Section 2(1)(a) of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962. This means that any person, including veterinarians, may be prosecuted in terms of the Animals Protection Act for maiming an animal unless the procedure is performed for a valid medical reason.

Both puppies had their tails maimed and the wounds untreated.

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The pair still has a long road to recovery ahead of them, both medically and emotionally.

“While Holly and Donna are making strides in learning to trust humans again, they are teaching our team so much about perseverance, determination, patience, and forgiveness. Although the circumstances surrounding how these girls came in have not been happy, we are honoured to know and love these two.”

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“We have made a promise to Holly, and Donna – we will get justice for her. A case is being opened against the callous people who harmed [them] and we will not relent until the perpetrators are brought to book,” Wilson said.

While these cases do take long periods of time, multiple court appearances, and can become quite costly, the Sandton SPCA is determined to hold perpetrators to account.

The local SPCA recently won a case where a pitbull named Elf had his ear maimed. While the case took years and multiple court appearances, it was necessary.

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“We won’t give up on Holly either, but we need your help.”

Anyone looking to contribute to Holly and Donna’s cause can visit www.sandtonspca.org.za/a-christmas-promise/

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