Redhill School heads shares tips for navigating final exam stress

Redhill School executive head Joseph Gerassi shares advice for matrics and parents as they navigate through the challenge of final exams.

As the matriculating Class of 2022 heads into final examination season, the importance of acknowledging that stress and anxiety are normal is important.

This is according to Redhill School executive head Joseph Gerassi, who recently shared advice for learners and parents navigating this challenging time.

“I know this may be of little comfort when faced with an angry teenager who suddenly finds it to be of the utmost importance that they tidy their room, and who reacts angrily at any suggestion that they should go and study, but please know that this season shall pass.

He added that it is equally important to understand the impact that stress and anxiety have on a child’s brain and their results.

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Gerassi shares the following tips for parents to help their children get through the final stretch of exams and manage their anxiety:

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