Hyde Park’s very own Samke Mhlongo adds the title of author to her belt

In her debut novel, local author Samke Mhlongo shares advice on how readers can take back their financial freedom.

Local author Samke Mhlongo encourages readers to take their power back in her debut book, Ringfence.

Inspired by the Hyde Park resident’s real-life events, the financial literacy “chick-lit” has both psychological and legal themes.

According to Mhlongo, a ringfence is a term used in investment banking to indicate the virtual barrier that segregates an individual’s financial assets from the rest, with the primary purpose of protecting them from loss when engaging in riskier operations.

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“Ringfence is a command warning the reader to set up legal, financial, physical and psychological barriers that will protect their wellbeing from the negative impact of life’s risky events such as death, divorce and abuse.”

The idea for the novel came about when Mhlongo, with the background of a financial banker, struggled to manage her finances.

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“The idea for Ringfence came about during one of the toughest financial periods during my divorce. I’m talking about being late with rental payments, missing debit orders and really struggling to make it to the month end on a consistent basis.

Local author Samke Mhlongo shares the lessons learnt in her financial journey.

“I realised that I had landed in this situation due to my lack of legal knowledge and my naivety around life in general. I then took up Toni Morrison’s advice and wrote the book I wish had been written before I faced some of life’s major turns.”

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Ringfence opens with a deep dive into the characters’ backgrounds as it explains their sometimes-self-destructive behaviour in their adult life.

Mhlongo added that the novel explores the illusions that many young African women have about love, wealth, status and power and society.

“I am hoping that readers will learn how to take back their power. Take back their power when it comes to their finances, relationships and careers. Take back their power even when it comes to themselves.”

Ringfence by Samke Mhlongo is available from Exclusive Books.

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