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Michael Mount learners pave the way for their future

Michael Mount Waldorf School showcases the final Grade 11 projects to the public which has been a school tradition for numerous of years.

The Grade 11 learners of Michael Mount in Bryanston successfully presented their curriculum individual projects that they have been working on since the beginning of the year to their teachers and families.

Presentations were publicly displayed at the school from September 13 to 15 to peers, parents, friends and even members of the public. For their projects, learners had to pick their subject of choice and paired it together with their interests.

After completing the first phase of the project, intense research of the topic commenced where learners conducted a mini-thesis with the help of their mentors (teachers or experts of the topic that learners might know).

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“While earlier this year, with the class play, we had the opportunity to get a glimpse into the class as a community, we now get to see a glimpse into each one of our students as an individual – their initiative, their will, and their perseverance,” said one of the Grade 11 guardians Ashleigh Chamberlain.

One of the projects was based on the fundamentals of programming and robotics.

Before the big reveal, Grade 11s created a handmade leather-bound book which kept a record of all their progress including literature findings, challenges, experiences and favourable outcomes. During the evenings of the showcase, learners were given the platform to verbally share their topics with the participants.

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“After nine months of hard work, we have reached the final celebration of this journey. Our students have the privilege of sharing their passions with us, and we have the privilege of recognising their amazing accomplishments. We are all so proud of you, dear Grade 11s, well done.

“Each student did not walk this path alone but with the guidance of their guardians, internal and external mentors, their families, and their peers. We want to thank all those people for making these presentations possible,” concluded Tracy Godlonton, one of the guardians of the Grade 11 learners.

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