Ralmed launches dedicated community vehicle serving the Sandton area.

This innovative initiative offers residents free home-based medical care and convenient access to a Ralmed in-house GP practice.

Ralmed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is proud to announce the launch of a dedicated community vehicle serving the Sandton area. This innovative initiative goes beyond emergency response, offering residents free home-based medical care and convenient access to a Ralmed in-house GP practice.

The Ralmed community vehicle will be equipped with essential medical supplies and staffed by trained paramedics who can provide basic medical care directly in patients’ homes. This service is free of charge and aims to improve accessibility to healthcare for those who may have difficulty travelling to a clinic or hospital.

“We are committed to being more than just an emergency response service,” says Owen Manhire, Executive Director at Ralmed EMS. “This new programme allows us to proactively address the healthcare needs of our community and provide a valuable service to Sandton residents.”

In addition to the free home care service, Ralmed is also introducing a convenient in-house GP practice operating from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. This extended service allows residents to receive after-hours medical care from a qualified GP without the need to visit a casualty ward.

Benefits for the Sandton Community:

Ralmed EMS is committed to providing the Sandton community with exceptional healthcare services. This new community vehicle and in-house GP practice are testaments to that commitment.

For more information on Ralmed EMS’s community vehicle programme or in-house GP practice, please visit our website at www.ralmed.com or call or whatsapp us at 0861725633.

Contact: Owen Manhire, Executive Director at info@ralmed.com

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