
Tatami Judoka conquer Kurash African Championships in Eswatini

11 judokas from Tatami returned with 14 medals after participating in the Kurash championships.

The Bryanston-based Tatami Judo Academy achieved significant success at the Kurash African Championships held in Piggs Peak, Eswatini, from July 26–39.

The academy’s 11 participating members who qualified for the tournament returned with an impressive tally of 14 medals.

The academy congratulated its top performers – Kayden Wethmar and Andrew Coucourakis-Vermaak each earned a gold medal and Luca Kyriacou, Dominique Kyriacou, and Meegan Zomero won two gold medals each.

Following their success at the African Championships, the cadets and juniors from Tatami Judo Academy now have the opportunity to compete at the Kurash World Championships in Turkey later this year.

“It is a proud moment for me to see the results of the effort they have put in and for us as a club to showcase the talent, diversity and adaptability in martial arts emanating from our judoka,” said Tatami Judo sensei Basil Smit. “I am humbled and honoured with the results the club athletes have achieved at the championships through their hard work.”

Founded in Uzbekistan, Kurash is a combat sport with a 3 500-year history, making it one of the most ancient styles of martial arts known to humankind.
In Uzbek, ‘Kurash’ means ‘achieving a goal honestly and fairly.’

Kurash is one of the many martial arts variations resembling judo, with the difference being that action is only allowed from a standing position. South Africa was one of the nine African countries participating in the event.

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