VOX POP: Did they believe this training would lead to permanent employment?

We asked the individuals who had started this skills development programme how confident they were that these skills aligned with the current job market demands.

We asked the individuals who had started this skills development programme how confident they were that these skills aligned with the current job market demands. Did they believe this training would lead to permanent employment?

Frans Mahlaba: I think the programme is definitely in tune with what employers are looking for, particularly in customer service and management. While permanent employment can be tough to secure in today’s economy, I am optimistic that these skills will open doors for me in the hospitality industry.
Dieketseng Mofokeng: The training is very comprehensive, covering everything from basic operations to management skills. This definitely aligns with what I see in the job market, and I am confident that this experience will lead to long-term employment opportunities, whether at McDonald’s or elsewhere.
Thato Seaga: Yes, the skills we are learning are very relevant, especially since the hospitality sector always needs well-trained staff. I am confident that these skills will make me more employable, not just within McDonald’s but also in other restaurants or hotels.
Pulane Lotsiri: I feel that the skills we’re acquiring are highly relevant, particularly in a service-driven economy like ours. I am hopeful that these skills will not only help me get a job but also give me the tools to possibly start my own business in the future.

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