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Exploring artists’ vision in Bryanston

Karen Denton gives an eye-opening presentation on how sight loss impacted visual artists in their time.

The Bryanston-East-based Explorers’ Friendship and Chat Group continued their tradition of hosting yet another insightful information-sharing presentation on May 17.

The speaker for this occasion was the head of education and advocacy at Retina South Africa, Karen Denton, who presented on art, artists and their vision.

Denton began by celebrating visual artists who were fully blind since birth, like Esraf Armagan, or who lost their vision due to tragedy, like John Bramblitt – who uses touch to paint. She contrasted them by also presenting on artists who gradually lost their vision, through having visual impairments such as astigmatism.

“Esraf Armagam is a Turkish artist who was born completely blind – his eyes in his socket never developed; yet, he is a prolific artist,” said Denton. “He started to paint as a young child, and draw anything that people described to him that he could imagine.”

Denton’s presentation revisited the work of Claude Monet between 1865 (when he painted clearly), 1922 (when his vision was most impaired), and 1924, whence his sight had returned to him. Attendants learnt how other artists, like Edgar Degas, who weren’t so lucky as to have their sight return. Her presentation was an eye-opening one, celebrating how beautifully art can transcend physical limitations.

The Explorer’s Friendship and Chat Group has enjoyed a lengthy short history of connecting Bryanston-East community members with insightful speakers. The group’s convenor, Shelley Addis, recollected how the group began meeting.

“I was encouraged by friends to start the group in March 2012, and that means that I have organised outings and speakers for 144 months,” Addis celebrated. “I endeavour to invite speakers to talk on something for the heart and something for the head.”

Addis reflected on why the group emerged from the community, and what it means to members.

“We meet once a month in Bryanston; I am always thrilled when I see friendships developing, members planning to meet for tea or help a fellow Explorer to move home,” said Addis.

Details: Shelley Addis on 083 409 7927.

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