
Vox Pop: Are you curious about how yoga enhances life?

What yogis had to say about their personal yoga journeys.

Some of the people attending the International Yoda Day 2024 event were asked how long they’ve been participating in yoga, and how yoga has enhanced their lives.

Here’s what they had to say…

Shikhar Booplal: I started yoga four-and-a-half years ago, when I began rock-climbing. Yoga helps me with flexibility and being able to be more active.
Lwa Fuze: I started two years ago. Yoga has made me a lot less stressed. I’ve learned breathing techniques and been able to apply them to my daily life. I do a few calming moves before a big meeting.
Bhupesh Bhika: I started yoga while I was at university. I used to have backaches because I’m a dentist – bending over patients. I keep up with yoga to maintain back strength.
Mishka Maharaj: I started quite recently. Yoga is how I destress. It’s helped me relax a bit.

Related article: Thousands show up for Yoga Day at DP Wanderers

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