Bryneven learners tackle bully culture

Bryneven Primary School learners take a stand against bullying with their too bright to bully campaign.

In a spirited display of unity, the children and staff of Bryneven Primary School have launched an inspiring campaign – Too Bright to Bully.

This initiative, spearheaded by the school’s management team and teachers, aims to foster a more caring and supportive school environment through awareness and proactive measures.

Bryneven Primary School’s anti-bullying assembly on May 17, when learners from the school took a stand against bullying. Grade R–7 learners proudly walked onto the school field in their house-coloured T-shirts, showing solidarity with the campaign.

The event was characterised by Bryneven learners being arranged into shapes on the field, and the message behind their gesture was, simply, to ‘be kind’.

School principal Naeem Nakooda opened the assembly with a speech on the importance of values and kindness.

“The enthusiasm and creativity our children, teachers and management team have shown with the Too Bright to Bully campaign is truly inspiring,” said Nakooda.
“This initiative has not only raised awareness about the seriousness of bullying but has also brought our school community closer together. Our children have proven that they are indeed too bright to bully, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate and caring school environment for all.”

Bryneven Primary School’s head prefect and deputy heads also addressed the school during the assembly. They emphasised the importance of kindness and respect and how important it is to be brave and stand up for yourself.

“We believe that each of us has a light inside that should never be dulled by bullying,” said head prefect Sara Milic. “Our message today is to be kind to others, not because they are because you are.”

Deputy head prefect Eseza Nyangabyaki said that learners just wanted to make a statement that kindness is cool.

“Wearing bright colours is fun, but it also reminds us that we have a responsibility to each other. If we can be anything in this world, we should be kind to each other.”

Other highlights from the assembly included an inspired rendition of The Greatest Showman’s This is Me, performed by the school choir.

Since the start of the year, Bryneven Primary School hosted a series of activities and workshops designed to educate learners on the impacts of bullying, and the importance of empathy and kindness in their social interactions.

In addition to the colourful dress code, the school encouraged all their learners in grades R–7 to design a collage with an anti-bullying message or quote and then created bookmarks of their collage which was handed out to each child at the end of the assembly.

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