
Yum! Food and Wine tasting in Bryanston

Bryanston gets a tase of great food and wine.

Jacksons’ Real Food Market and Tiger’s Milk hosted their inaugural Food and Wine tasting event in Bryanston on November 9.

“We’ll probably have one every couple of months. The whole aim is to get people to talk to each other face to face,” said Jacksons’ Real Food Market founder Gary Jackson. “At the end of the day, there’s nothing better than having a conversation, seeing people coming out, and meeting people, and that’s what happened tonight.”

The evening was a busy one, and guests got the opportunity to sample a great deal of delicious items from South Africa’s number one Camembert cheese to vegan bacon and biltong snacks, amazing hummus and a variety of good wines for palate-cleansing.

Exhibiting the best cheese in South Africa, Petronela Ackerman explained how it’s made.

“It is charcoal infused, absolutely natural; no additives, no colorants; just cultures, and milk,” Ackerman said. “It’s the charcoal infusion that gives it that smokey taste.”

Additionally, vegan biltong and bacon do exist for non-meat consumers who are keen on alternatives to meat products. Vashen Govender explained the simplicity behind this innovation.

“The biltong is based on a beetroot base, and it has gluten as a binder,” said Govender. “Everything is naturally made 100% and baked.”

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