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Professional dancers offer groove lessons to seniors

Organiser of the Wendywood Senior Citizens Dance Club Premi Ropanand states that the club will offer participants a chance to reconnect with the younger versions of themselves as they have fun through dancing.

Married couple Bonnie and Dumisani Xaea have been professional dancers since 1994, competing in various national competitions which led to them representing South Africa in the 2022 World Championship Latin Senior division in Spain.

Having fun while staying fit led the professional dancers and Wendywood residents to start their ultimate goal of sharing their passion and dancing skills with senior citizens.

Despite not making a mark in the international competition, the dancers who have obtained many accolades were guaranteed a spot in the 2023 edition that will be taking place in the Netherlands later on in the year.

“Our type of dancing that we mastered is the Latin American side of ballroom dance which allows dancers to be expressive and in tune with their emotions. The journey of our first international seniors’ competition was an eye opener because it showed us what we had to offer and what we lacked,” said Bonnie.

They shared that preparing to groove with the crowd has never been an easy task as the individuals shared. The pursuit of sharing their wisdom with the older generation has always been one of their main targets and with the help of the organiser, Premi Roopanand, the dream has been closer than ever.

Dumisani and Bonnie Xaea moments before representing South Africa in the 2022 World Championship Latin Senior.

“The biggest misconception is that people think ballroom is only designed for couples, which is it not. For seniors who are single, we are welcoming you to socialise with others, exercise and, most importantly, to have fun with us through dance,” said Roopanand.

According to her, the Wendywood Senior Citizens Dance Club is scheduled to commence on March 2 from 18:00 to 19:00 at the Wendywood Sports Club and Recreational Centre.

“You are never too young or old to start dancing; it teaches you how to loosen up and express yourself freely. It is therapeutic and with our guidance, we guarantee that your feet will be lighter,” said Bonnie.

For more information with regard to the Wendywood Senior Citizens Dance Club, contact Premi Roopanand on 072 750 0375.

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