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Parkmore’s Field and Study Recreation Centre revitalisation plan commences

Urban Park representative, Richard Ndlela, shares plans for modernising the Field and Study Recreation Centre to generate revenue.

Chairman of the Parkmore’s Field and Study Recreation Centre, Rose Johnson, representative of Urban Park, Richard Ndlela, and many other individuals have voiced their opinions regarding plans for the renovation of Parkmore’s Field and Study Recreation Centre.

According to Ndlela, the park adoption proposal – which was presented to a few residents – aims to add a restaurant, deli, coffee shop, eco farm, paddle complex and clubhouse to the park.

Ndlela explained that the park has been facing numerous challenges ranging from safety issues to the possibility of the park permanently closing. “With adopting the park, our hope is that by investing in modernising the existing facilities, we’ll attract people back to the park. Our focus is to improve security, provide lights in the area and have a better eatery. This will generate new streams of revenue for Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo,” said Ndlela.

Rose Johnson addresses her concerns with the proposed plans to develop the park.
Active member of the Field and Study Recreation Centre committee Rose Johnson addresses her concerns with the proposed plans to develop the park. Photo: Motlatsi Mailula

An active member of the park committee for more than two decades, Johnson shared her concerns about the proposed changes, “What I mostly love about this open land is the peace and tranquillity. You have time for yourself without any disturbance. Traffic, noise and land pollution do not exist here. That’s what people over here come for.

“I would often see this one individual around 17:00 seated in his car every day. I approached him one day to ask why he visits the park and he responded that this is the only place where he can detox.”

Parkmore resident, Korina Holley said, “My children come and do their horse riding here twice a week at the Field and Study Recreation Centre. This park is a big part of our weekly lives. The changes would be detrimental to the stables. We love the park being the green lung that it is in the area.”

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