Crawford International Sandton College celebrates a successful year

As the year draws to a close, Crawford International College Sandton principal Tracey Purkiss reflects on a phenomenal year of achievements.

Crawford International Sandton College celebrates a remarkable year filled with growth and success.

According to college principal Tracey Purkiss, 2022 was a year of growth and team building for the schooling community.

“2022 has been a year that will be remembered, not only for the banishing of the dreaded masks we wore for over two years but for the hope and enthusiasm that followed the restrictions we were subjected to due to Covid-19.”

She added that since the beginning of the year the school campus was abuzz with spirit-building activities with successes across all spheres of school life and exciting plans for 2023.

“We celebrated the start of 2022 with our exceptional matric results in which the Class of 2021 achieved a remarkable 3,8 distinctions per candidate.


College learners Sashiv Sewsaran and Daniel Lorimer look forward the new year.

“Our students continued with this great start by receiving accolades in the sporting arena where they represented South Africa enthusiastically in tennis, touch rugby, swimming, gymnastics, karate, and chess, both locally and abroad, including at the Maccabi Games.”

The girls’ basketball team won the St Stithians Basketball Tournament and both the boys’ golf and girls’ first netball teams won their league.

Learners also excelled in their cultural activities with the college winning the Speech and Drama College of South Africa trophy for the overall school competition in public speaking.

The debaters won the South African Council for English Education league, and the Grade 9 team have crowned the champions of the Tournaments of Minds in their division.

The Interact team also displayed enormous generosity and s selfless spirit throughout the year, involved in various projects assisting several communities in need.

The school also assisted the Fidelitas Comprehensive Secondary School Grade 8 class with mathematics, in addition to hosting its matric dance for the matriculating class.

“Our many achievements are indicative of the exceptional dedication and commitment displayed by the Sandton College learners who are forming great memories whilst venturing through our amazing institution among some of the best teachers in the country.

“I extend my deep gratitude to our parents, students, alumni, and teachers who have contributed towards making 2022 an incredible year at Crawford International Sandton College.

“I know that 2023 will be an even better one!”

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