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Fight crime together – Sandton CPF

The Sandton CPF encourages residents to get involved with community policing by attending sector meetings.

In an effort to increase community policing, the Sandton CPF encourages residents in the Sandton and surrounding areas to attend their respective sector meetings.

The aim of the Sandton CPF is to facilitate community-police relations with the Sandton Police Station, serving as a middleman of the community with the police and vice versa.

According to Sandton CPF’s Roshan Byjnal, it is important to get the whole community involved and working together to fight crime.

“We all want to sleep well at night knowing that we are safe, that our families and possessions are protected and that we don’t have to worry about unnecessary risks. In order for that to work, we all have to come together and fight crime together.”

He added that these meetings are specially designed to ensure that there is communication between the community and the police.

“These meetings are not only important for feedback from law enforcement on recent events and incidents in respective areas but also important for the community to engage with the various structures in attendance, such as SAPS, JMPD, CPF, ward councillors, security companies and others, regarding the issues impacting the community,” said Byjnal.

Residents are also encouraged to contact their respective private security companies to get involved with law enforcement and community policing forums in crime prevention activities.

“It is important for all these structures to know what is important to you. The best way to fight crime is together #SaferSandtonTogether.”

Community meetings for July are as follows:

  • Sector 1: July 13
  • Sector 2: July 7
  • Sector 3: July 21
  • Sector 4: July 28

To find out which of the four sectors your suburb falls under, visit the Sandton CPF website on www.sandtoncpf.co.za

All meetings are conducted virtually.

Details: Sandton CPF 011 722 4317.


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