Bryanston Primary rallies to support KZN flood victims

Bryanston Primary School’s great sense of community proved to be phenomenal once again as the school rallied to support victims that were affected by the KwaZulu-Natal floods.


Bryanston Primary School’s great sense of community proved to be phenomenal once again as the school rallied to support victims who were affected by the KwaZulu-Natal floods.

The school recently held a donation drive, encouraging learners and parents to donate any clothing and/or non-perishable food items.

According to teacher Natasha Hart who spearheaded the donation drive, the response from the school community was both phenomenal and overwhelming.

“The public does not always see the inner working of Bryanston Primary and how the learners, parents and staff support each other, so this is a great opportunity for the public to see the huge hearts that our Bryanston Primary family has.”

She added that the drive was motivated by a smile discussion about how valuable it was to educate the learners, not only about the flood but for them to actively get involved with contributing toward the cause.

“There has been a dual learning experience, the learners who donated have learned a sense of gratitude, and the learners who have seen all the donations as they have come in and out of my class have either seen how everyone’s small act of kindness can magnitude into something truly special.
“What I hoped for the learners to take from this is experience is that when we work together to achieve a common goal it is possible and that a small act of kindness will always go a long way.”

Details: Bryanston Primary School 011 706 1263.


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