Rivonia kendo athletes go international

RIVONIA – Ryu Ken Chi Dojo members Cedric Jacques and Terry Chau will represent South African at the 31st European Kendo Championship.

Flying the South African flag high, two of Rivonia’s Ryu Ken Chi (RKC) Dojo members were recently selected to be part of the national kendo team set to take on the 31st European Kendo Championship.

Cedric Jacques and Terry Chau will join the team, consisting of three women and six men when they travel to Frankfurt, Germany in May for the international tournament.

Jacques is a veteran of this martial art, training in Kendo diligently since the later 1990s. As the most experienced international competitor on the team, he is confident that the team will do well, with each member giving their very best in each event.

“As a team, we will showcase and spotlight our talent and teachings and, above all else, we will represent the SAKF [South African Kendo Federation] and our country with courage, honour and integrity.”

Chau, a Hong Kong-born South African who immigrated to South Africa in the 90s but left the country after completing his studies, began practising Kendo in 2015 at the Kentokukai Dojo in Hong Kong. He moved back to SA in 2020, joining the RKC Dojo.

According to Chau, competing at the European champions is a dream come true for him. “It’s been an honour to have been selected as one of the South Africa National Kendo Team members. It really means a lot to me to be able to represent my beloved country, stand shoulder to shoulder with my national teammates, and ultimately to take on some world-class competitors at the forthcoming European Championships.”

The dojo’s Warren Ho is hopeful that this long-awaited return to the international kendo community will restart the South African kendo community’s journey to becoming a formidable fighting force internationally.

“These forthcoming championships, which is expected to draw competitors from 35 other European nations, will be comprised of a variety of events, namely juniors’ individual and team event; women individual and team events; and men individual and team events,” he said.

“I am of course very proud of Jacques sensei and Chau sempai’s accomplishment and wish them and the rest of the South African National Team all the success at these forthcoming championships.

“Perhaps a reminder for all of them is that, as much as these championships are a personal achievement that they must all enjoy, there is still a greater purpose to which they can use this accomplishment, which is to inspire our future generations of kendo practitioners in South Africa.”

Details: Ryu Ken Chi info@rkcdojo.com


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