
Karate can save your life and is guaranteed to change your life!

Nick Baker, head instructor, is a KWF 5th Dan graded exponent of karate.

Nick Baker Karate Institute, founded by Karatenomichi World Federation 5th Dan member, Nick Baker, teaches authentic Japanese karate for all ages and belt levels. With 30 years of dedicated training in the art, under the legendary South African karate pioneer and 9th Dan KWF deputy Grand Master, Malcolm Dorfman, Nick Baker Karate Institute aims to impart the true essence of traditional karate to its students.The centre can be found at the world-class facilities of Off Nicol Health, Wellness and Rehab Medical Centre in Bryanston. Nick Baker Karate Institute forms part of the greater South African Karatenomichi World Federation (KWF) organisation, run by Malcolm Dorfman, and is assisted by seven-time KWF world champion 7th Dan, Dr Shane Dorfman. KWF SA has direct routes to the headquarters dojo in Japan where the global NPO is led by world karate icon, Grand Master Mikio Yahara. NBKI aims to teach the core foundation of KWF karate, which is to incapacitate an attacker in the most efficient and effective manner. “We believe that there is place for everyone in our dojo, irrespective of age, physical condition and belt level. Classes are age appropriate, focusing on life-saving skills while honing in on technical, physical and mental capabilities in order to equip students in all fundamental areas of life. NBKI is an elite dojo where the core of our vision is to empower people through a holistic approach,” said Baker. Nick Baker, head instructor, is a KWF 5th Dan graded exponent of karate.

He has won several world accolades, is an eight-time, and current, KWF SA champion. He has captained the KWF SA team for a period of nine years and competed for the All Styles National Protea Team in 2010/11.While sport karate has many benefits, Baker’s teachings are centred on true ‘Budo’ karate principles where you may only have one chance to save your life or those of your loved ones. NBKI Off Nicol Health & Wellness Centre 1 Longford Road Sandton Call Nick on 072 5250331 or email    

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